I had a dear friend ask me the other day about my blog...which, I have to add, I have been neglecting for quite a while since getting married. I miss writing and the outlet for frustration and joy. Now..I guess.. Is a good time for me to write to let out a little hurt...
You see...I would love more than anything to be a mother. I want the chance to experience the beauty of making a child with the one you love. My problem...I have something called Turners Syndrome...for those of you who have never heard of it...one of the major complications is infertility. There is a laundry list of things that can come with Turners that I am constantly having to check (Heart and Kidney issues being highest on the list) but, somehow, those do no not bother as much as..my husband and I have been trying for about a year to have children and have not been successful. I hear all the time how God will give me a child if it is his His will. I have been pregnant before ( through a mistake I made as a 20 year old) and mis carried. I want so much more to be a mother after having this happen to me. I pray constantly for patience and hope...but my faith in this is slipping. All in All I know that God will have happen what he wills to happen. I can do nothing to change it. When I look at my wonderful husband and think of all he brings to my life I know I could not possible make him as happy as he makes me. I feel, somehow, less of a wife and woman having such a problem conceiving. I know it is all in my head but...I would appreciate prayers and lots of love. I would love to hear from ANYONE who is going through something similar to this or knows firsthand what I am going through. This is just a skimming of my thoughts for the day.
Much Much Love